Macbook Air

Back in late spring I got myself a MacBook Air, the 2014 11" model to be specific. 2014 because of the price, it was discounted and the 2015 went up in price despite not being much of an update.

Anyway, I noted down some thoughts on it but then never got around to posting them until now.



More on the keyboard layout

The issue isn't just that the layout is different and not marked on the keys, the layout is also rather stupid. I see the logic behind it, but it's stupid. They put square and curly bracket on 8 and 9. So it's grouped with parentheses, makes logical sense, having to use Alt+Shift+8 to get a curly bracket however does not. Similarly backslash and the pipe symbol have been grouped with slash, logical but stupid. I also noticed that Alt+5 gives a § which is a bit odd since it has it's own key right below Esc.

On a Swedish PC keyboard curly brackets are on AltGr+7/0, square brackets are on AltGr+8/9, backslash is on AltGr++ and the pipe is on AltGr+< (On Swedish keyboard < and > are both on the key next to left Shift).

I'll give them some credit though, Apple put € on Shift+4 rather than AltGr+E. Not a big difference you might say, '4' and 'E' are close to each other and you only use on modifer key. All true, but Shift+4 is a lot easier to do with one hand. On PCs Shift+4 is wasted on '¤'. No, I have no idea what that symbol is used for either...

Fortunately, thanks to an app called Ukulele it was easy to create a new keyboard layout which works more like what I'm used to. I considered just getting used to the Mac layout but frankly, it's just stupid, and I use a PC keyboard all day at work and my main computer at home.